new homes + renos that improve your neighbourhood
It’s not often that a new home or renovation makes a positive contribution to the wider neighbourhood. Typically you have grumpy neighbours up in arms about the development blighting their street. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We’re passionate about designing new homes and renovations that make a positive impact on the community and neighbourhood.
This could be simple gestures like incorporating a seat into the front fence for elderly neighbours to take a brief spell as they go for an afternoon walk. It might be an openable fence which allows you to open up to the neighbourbouring park (or close it off for privacy). Or it could even be rethinking where your kitchen is located so that you can wave to passers-by as you stir the stew. Improving the neighbourhood and giving something back to your community doesn’t need to be expensive or complex, but it does need to be designed and considered from the beginning of your project.
Learn more about our process and how we can help you create a home your neighbours will love.
Check out some of our recent projects that improve the neighbourhood…

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● How much hiring an architect actually costs (and why it's money well spent)
● Costs explained so you can understand how much your project is likely to be
● The four ducks you'll need to line up to pull off your project without a hitch
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